Mel Monte - Freelance Graphic Designer, Dubai

Mel Monte

About Mel MontePlaces to find Mel Monte:
Mel Monte on LinkedIn
Mel Monte’s business sites at &
Other, perhaps less serious places to find Mel Monte:
Mel Monte on Facebook
Mel Monte on Instagram
Mel Monte on Twitter
Mel Monte on Pinterest
Random things:
dump, this is where I post my sketches, art, pictures, and whatever.
Say hello!


Hey there,

I am an artist who wears many hats, literally and artistically.My education is in Information Technology and I’m the cliché example of a kid who spent her university years studying something she never enjoyed or felt destined to do. Don’t worry ma, partly thanks to this I’m now good with technology and have never looked at design as a purely creative work. It’s always been business for me and everyone I’ve worked with - if it doesn’t deliver results, it’s insignificant how fancy it looks.I’m based in Dubai and have been living here in the past 7 years. The majority of my career has been focused on branding, packaging and print designs, skills which have fed back into my visual development. Since 2010 I'm also the founder and lead designer at The Creative Geek and working on diverse other side-projects.I’m a self-taught designer obsessed with self-improvement and raising the bar for my work with every design project. It’s a common designer’s trait to hate the work you’ve done 2 years ago and feel most proud of your most recent project. On the flip side - if we work together, my next piece of work will be my best looking and performing design yet, so your project will be close to a masterpiece (cough, cough 😉).Branding and design change every day, as every other industry, so I never stop learning about design, business, growth and how these three merge together. I don’t believe in the traditional education system, I think learning is a mindset - if I stop, I’ll be out of business in a few months... okay years maybe. I enjoy posting my and my team’s findings and design & growth knowledge on our Instagram page, so make sure you follow us if you want to learn more about our work. (Last updated Jan2022)

Mel Monte - Freelance Graphic Designer, Dubai


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Thank you

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